Product by Open Pinball Project

Open Pinball Project Solenoid Plank

$ 5.00 USD

Available for the ultimate DIY pinball project- the Open Pinball Project Solenoid Plank Board! Combines two solenoid wing boards with an interface wing in a single board. Makes OPP boards easier to mount (includes four mounting holes) and eliminates the need to add extra wires between the interface board and power and ground on the processor.  Can be used on either side of the processor board (but interface portion will not be used if in wing positions 2/3).  Provides extra space to make MOSFETs more accessible.  A single 12 pin Molex connector is used instead of two 6-pin connectors for high current wiring and a single 8 pin header is used for the direct inputs to simplify wiring. The plank supports eight solenoids and eight direct inputs.

Check out this great Wiki for a description of the Open Pinball Project!

Questions about this product or necessary parts? Visit Open Pinball Project or see their Kickstarter for more information.

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Open Pinball Project

Open Pinball Project Solenoid Plank

$ 5.00 USD

Available for the ultimate DIY pinball project- the Open Pinball Project Solenoid Plank Board! Combines two solenoid wing boards with an interface wing in a single board. Makes OPP boards easier to mount (includes four mounting holes) and eliminates the need to add extra wires between the interface board and power and ground on the processor.  Can be used on either side of the processor board (but interface portion will not be used if in wing positions 2/3).  Provides extra space to make MOSFETs more accessible.  A single 12 pin Molex connector is used instead of two 6-pin connectors for high current wiring and a single 8 pin header is used for the direct inputs to simplify wiring. The plank supports eight solenoids and eight direct inputs.

Check out this great Wiki for a description of the Open Pinball Project!

Questions about this product or necessary parts? Visit Open Pinball Project or see their Kickstarter for more information.

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