If you don't have Novus® for cleaning and restoring your playfield plastics, pick some up today. Novus is the go-to cleaner for your games because ordinary household cleaners can damage cause scratching and damage!
If you are like us however, you have an excess of Novus Polish in your pinball toolbox. You may suffer from 'you-can-never-have-too-much-of xyz' syndrome and pick up a bottle of Novus everytime you visit Marco Specialties. Or you may just forget that you haven't used the four bottles you bought earlier this year. In either case, you may want to know just how fabulous Novus is beyond the pinball playfield!
Here is our top ten list for using Novus Polish beyond pinball.
Car interior
Next time you are in the car, take a look at all the acrylic and plastic 'chrome'. Gone are the days where cars are made out of metal. Clean up the slight scratches on these surfaces or simply polish them to a fine shine. Novus will blow away any of the usual car care products.
Car headlights
The best use we found for Novus is cleaning your cars dingy headlights. Mezel Mods own Jared Villalobos decided to test Novus on his dirty headlights. After a treatment with all three of the Novus polishes the yellowed and foggy headlights were transformed. According to Jared it was, 'like magic.' Sounds great!
CDs and DVDs
While CDs and DVDs are slowly making their way to the back of most closets, you still encounter those times when the old disc is necessary. And if your house is like ours, XBOX® games and movie DVDs are left stacked on one another, gathering dust, dirt and scratches. Put Novus to the test on these puppies- see if you can't fix your old Forrest Gump DVD!
Microwave oven door
Ever notice how the door on your microwave is foggy? If not your microwave, go check out the doors on your washer and dryer. Foggy, right? A little bit of Novus 1 and that fog will be gone. Impress your friends and neighbors.
Motorcycle helmets, snowmobile visors and safety glassesWhether its a wind guard on a motorcycle helmet, a snowmobile helmet visor or safety glasses it no doubt has a tiny scratches all over it. Use Novus to remove the small scratches so you can see again.
Acrylic poster frames
With the cost of framing, it is usually not worth the money to frame large size posters in glass (especially your kids favorite action hero poster). Many of the craft and frame shops sell poster frames that are completely acrylic- frame and all. Cleaning these with Windex® or other cleaning agents will cause damage and scratching. Keep them looking like new (and impersonating glass) with Novus. We use it on our Guinness and Barenaked Ladies posters in the shop- bam, clean!
Airplane Windows
I know this is a stretch but hey, maybe you have an airplane? If you do, Novus will make those plastic windows squeaky clean.
Fiberglass tubs, sinks and counters
You may be one of the unlucky types that has fiberglass in your bathroom- the bathtub, shower pan or countertop. This surface is tough to restore to a 'like new' shine with regular cleaning products. Novus baby all the way.
Home and RV skylights
Because these puppies are made of acrylic, they will easily scratch and dull with ordinary cleaners. If only there was a ladder handy, we'd have the cleanest sky lights in the neighborhood.
Turntable dust covers
Record players are making a comeback and are now considered vintage (which means cool for those of us older types). If you never put yours away or are thinking about taking one down from the attic, give the dustcover a good cleaning with Novus. If you were born after 1990, this is a picture of a record player or turntable. It plays music.
So much plastic cleaning, so little time! What is your favorite Novus polish use?
Images courtesy 906images.com, Creative Safety Publishing, Airliners.net and Vintage-Turntable.com
1 Kommentar
Hi Mezelmods thanks for the tips of what you also can use Novus. I always have Novus 1.2.3 at home to clean my Pinball games. I have never used something else. Thanks again for the tips and I’m going to try some of that tips.
Best regards Ylva – Circus Cinema