Product by Open Pinball Project

Open Pinball Project Solenoid Driver Board

$ 1.00 USD

Available for the ultimate DIY pinball project- the Open Pinball Project Solenoid Board! Build your own pinball machine with the Open Project Pinball Solenoid Board. Check out this great Wiki for a description of the Open Pinball Project!

This OPP board supports four solenoids and four switch inputs to control the solenoids. The processor firmware supports PWM'ing solenoids to support single coil flippers. This product requires a processor to control the board which is available from Mouser.

Questions about this product or necessary parts? Visit Open Pinball Project or see their Kickstarter for more information.

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Open Pinball Project Solenoid Driver Board Diy
Open Pinball Project

Open Pinball Project Solenoid Driver Board

$ 1.00 USD

Available for the ultimate DIY pinball project- the Open Pinball Project Solenoid Board! Build your own pinball machine with the Open Project Pinball Solenoid Board. Check out this great Wiki for a description of the Open Pinball Project!

This OPP board supports four solenoids and four switch inputs to control the solenoids. The processor firmware supports PWM'ing solenoids to support single coil flippers. This product requires a processor to control the board which is available from Mouser.

Questions about this product or necessary parts? Visit Open Pinball Project or see their Kickstarter for more information.

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